How to wear the Double Print Skirt (AKA Alter Ego Skirt) in an edgy way
Wikipedia defines Alter Ego as "a second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality." As I wrote this post it occurred to me that the Double Print Skirt has an alter ego - the two different prints are alter egos of each other because they form the same skirt in spite of being distinct. Wikipedia goes on to explain that "a person who has an alter ego leads a double life." When you apply this concept to the Double Print Skirt it implies that one can choose the personality they wish to portray to the world by selecting which print to wear in front, the initial and original self. Therefore, the print behind is the alter ego, the hidden self, of the print in front.
I know this concept is too deep for fashion, but it explains why it's easy to wear the Double Print Skirt in various ways. For instance, the Double Print Skirt is pretty and girly due to the style. There's nothing wrong with that except that every once in a while, a girl wants to stray from that 'pretty cute' look and venture into the zone of 'rough around the edges' territory. It can totally be achieved with the Double Print skirt. All you need are the following tips.
Pair the skirt with an edgy piece/accessory. The edgy piece will tone down the girly nature of the skirt. It can be a top, shoes, a belt or a purse. My edgy piece in today's post is my shirt. So what makes my shirt edgy?
First, because it's black. When it comes to colors, nothing is edgier than black. I can't even begin to explain why that's the case but it just is. Maybe it has something to do with what black represents - cool, darkness, calm - I really don't know, but you get it, right?
Second, the ruffle boned sleeves scream rockstar! We all know that rockstars totally know how to roughen those edges.
The next tip to keep in mind is hairstyle. A cool haircut would definitely sharpen your look. In my case, I have a bob haircut which is always edgy.
Makeup is the final tip. Although dark colored makeup is usually the edgiest, red lips transcend boundaries as it transitions from one look to another. You can never go wrong with red.
How about getting a Double Print Skirt and "alter egoing" your look. It doesn't have to be edgy just wear it as the mood strikes. That's the beauty of the Double Print Skirt! There are two sides to it and you can't go wrong with either because it's one and the same and you can make it "you."
Photographed by Chinny.