How to wear denim to work
"The best thing about denim is that it goes with absolutely everything. Some people believe that denim should only be worn casually, but I disagree. Denim is so versatile that you can dress it up or down. It all depends on what you pair it with.
Another great thing about denim is that it's always in style. Sure, there are seasons when denim is hot, like right now, but trend or no trend, denim is always fashionable.
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Besides jeans, if you have a denim piece but are uncomfortable about wearing it to work, you can totally do it. Here are two things to keep in mind.
1. Pair your denim with a work appropriate piece such as dress pants, work skirt/dress, or a blazer. Don't you think a denim shirt would look cute underneath a sleeveless work dress? What about a denim pencil skirt paired with a crisp white shirt? Here's my favorite- imagine a sky blue denim shirt paired with a navy blue pant suit. Totally cool right?
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2. Wear an eye catching accessory. This would distract folks from the fact that you're wearing denim. The accessory can be a belt, scarf, necklace or shoes. It has to make a fashion statement, but don't go overboard with it. Make sure the accessory is still work appropriate.
Bearing that in mind I paired my denim shirt with black culottes. I chose black because nothing is more professional than black. For my statement making accessory, I chose a polka dot neck scarf and polka dot shoes.
Take a chance and swap your work shirt or skirt for denim.
Photographed by Nancy K.