Goodbye to an awesome winter


"Yesterday was officially the first day of spring. It doesn't feel like spring right now but I can't complain considering the fact that we had an awesome winter. By awesome I mean unprecedented warm weather and only one major snow storm. Of course some would disagree because they prefer cooler temperatures but not me. I absolutely loved it even though somewhere at the back of my mind I knew the unusually nice winter was as a result of our fragile environment.

On this "not so heavy snow day" I couldn't resist taking these pictures. The snow looked so beautiful and I knew it would contrast nicely with my navy blue gear. I had no idea it was going to snow when I left my house but I'm glad I was prepared. The funny thing is Bloggie took similar pictures on the same day and we had no idea we were doing the same thing! Great minds huh. A special thanks to the most talented and beautiful Yemi O who braved the cold and took the time to take these pictures."


You won't believe the excitement when we realised we took similar pics on a snow day lol...Ahh when blogger BFFs are n'sync ;)