Chess or checkers


"I was actually inspired to do this nail color by my fabulous bff bloggie. A couple weeks ago she had on black nail polish with white in the middle (vertical). Black and white is my absolute favorite color combo so obviously I've tried it before. However mine was black nail polish with a white tip (horizontal). This time, I spiced up the black and white combo by adding the color red.

So here's how I accomplished this. I applied 2 coats of Revlon's Sure Thing. When it was completely dry, I cut up very narrow pieces of scotch tape and placed each one - vertically - in the middle of each finger nail. Then I applied 2 coats of Revlon's Blackjack on one exposed side and applied 2 coats of Revlon's Revlon Red on the other exposed side. I finished with my Revlon no chip top coat. Voila!"


Awww I inspired this? Touched! :)

I'll attempt this variation for sure....can't guarantee it'll look this good though lol