Why Camouflage Jackets Rock!!!

I love love love this camouflage jacket. I was hurrying to catch a movie at the mall when I spotted it in a store. I told my friend, "I have to own that jacket." Unfortunately, the store had closed for the day by the time my movie ended. I did not fret. I knew I would return for it and that I did.


"Why am I so obsessed with this jacket?" you wonder. Well, isn't it obvious? It has it all - swag, functionality and elegance. Yes, elegance - don't you see it? 

Swag - This jacket is just too cool for school and it's mainly because it's camouflage. Nothing says bad ass more than camouflage. After all, it's the recognized uniform of many brave men and women who have sacrificed or were willing to sacrifice their lives for their country. I only hope I honor them by wearing it.


Functionality - This is what I like to call a utility jacket. It's not just another cool pretty jacket but it's also very functional. It has deep pockets to hold items and keep the fingers warm. It also has a hoodie to shield my face from the wind. It's a perfect jacket for fall.

Elegance - I'm not stretching this because the style of this jacket is elegant. If you look closely you'll notice it's cut like most classy jackets with a wide collar.


This was my first time wearing this jacket and I really wanted to showcase its swag. So I paired it with ripped jeans, comfortable tan mules, cool shades and an edgy hairstyle. I love the look because it's so "I just don't care!"

I hope you invest in a camouflage jacket this fall. It would totally be worth your while. It's one of the few cool outer layers that go with everything. You can wear it with work clothes, jeans, or an elegant dress and it would totally work. Try it and let me know how it goes.


Photographed by Chi Chi.
